2023-04-04 11:30:23|网友 |来源:劲爆软件网
歌词开始Lately I\'ve been thinkin\' that I could leave this town 最近我辗转反侧,可能我要离开这座小镇了 I\'d cut back on my drinkin\', stop this running \'round 还要少喝几瓶啤酒,不再到处闲逛了 Playin\' songs \'til after midnoght, staying up till dawn 也不能整晚和伙计们一起疯玩,直到天亮 There\'s something in the dust and wind that keeps me hangin\' on 是那随风尘永不止息的眷恋让我坚持到现在 And I never thought I\'d live to see the day I\'d say \"Goodbye\" 是啊,我从未想过生命里哪一天我会对这里说再见 I ain\'t cryin\' , that\'s West Texas in my eye 我没哭,只是突然想起来 这里是我土生土长的地方 I\'ll be your blue eyed bandit if you\'ll be my renegade 家乡啊,要是你于世为敌,众叛亲离,我也誓死追随,不离不弃 I count a thousand tumbleweeds roll by me everyday 还记得小时候我每天都扳指头数着从我身旁滚过数不尽的风滚草吗 I\'d like to grow a rose and stow it in that desert sage 我还想在开遍荒野的鼠尾草中种一朵玫瑰花 Like a message in a bottle floating down the open plains 就好像漂流瓶漂到了这片广寂的平原上 Where the Llano Estacado rises up to meet the sky 这里埃斯塔卡多平原在远处陡然升起,与天相接 I ain\'t crying, that\'s West Texas in my eye 我没哭啊,只是这家乡的美景实在是让我激动不已 I\'ve seen the thunderheads descend and rip into the ground 我曾经看见过压城般的黑云逼临牛群与农场 The twisted hand of heaven spreading terror all around 好似从天堂伸出的狰狞双手,撕扯着大地,散播着恐慌 Sending farmers into deeper debt and ranchers to the grave 带来的是农场主更还不上债务,也让好些可怜的牧场主合上了双眼 Where towers mark the end of time with slowly spinning blades 当塔顶的旋页缓缓而转,这可怕的风暴才算平息 \'Til the water table falls below the reach of humankind 直到水位又降了下来,灾难才完全过去 I ain\'t cryin\' , that\'s West Texas in my eye 我真没哭,就是回想曾经的事情有点难受 Lately I\'ve been thinkin\' , I could leave this town 最近我总是想,我马上要离开这里啦 Cut back on my drinkin\', stop this running around 不再喝这么多酒,不到处去找乐子了 Playin\' songs \'til after midnoght, staying up till dawn 也不能再和朋友们伴着欢歌整夜畅饮,直到天亮了 But there\'s something in the dust and wind that keeps me hangin\' on 但这风沙中卷夹的苦涩,却止不住的往我心口里灌 And I never thought I\'d live to see the day I\'d say \"Goodbye\" 我真的是从没想过我会想现在这样,要说出那两个字 I ain\'t cryin\' , that\'s West Texas in my eye 我没哭啊,家乡这么美我为啥要哭么 I ain\'t cryin\' , that\'s West Texas in my eye 我真没哭哈哈,就是风太大迷了眼啦歌词结束(劲爆音乐网)