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祈Inory,金铲铲之战-Until the end(星光尽头)[FLAC]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载

2023-03-06 04:15:13|网友 |来源:劲爆软件网


Until the end (星光尽头)(《金铲铲之战》星之守护者主题曲) - 祈Inory/金铲铲之战
Lyrics by:黎子明/Jesus Llama//Hubert Ng(黄宇哲)/Mike Macdermid
Composed by:水野良树
Producer by:蔦谷好位置/周以力
Enter arena here we go
Don\'t stop
Fight to be Tacticaians
Winning our one sweet goal
Evolving never the same
We\'re rising up like a flame
Advancing on
In unexpected ways
It\'s not an option to stall
When you need to level up
Reach up high and embrace the fight
Reach up high and embrace the fight
Woah woah woah woah woah woah oh oh
Meet together out there
Woah woah woah woah woah woah oh oh
Building our fantasy
Intellect is crucial
Find dream team
To win our objective
Earn a victory
Earn the thrill
Not an option to lose in the battle
We must find our resolve until the end
Still evolving
Ready to go
won\'t back down
We are the one yeah
On my call fight & defend
We rising up once again
Advancing on
In unexpected ways
It\'s not an option to stop
When you need to level up
Reach up high and embrace the fight
Reach up high and embrace the fight
As hope dims darker now we
Fail to see
See the brighter petal in the breeze
Proving what we can be
We rise up to the sky
Cos we dare
To go dream
Evolving never the same
We\'re rising up once again
Advancing on in unexpected ways
It\'s not an option to stop
When you need to level up
Reach up high and embrace the fight
Evolving never the same
We\'re rising up once again
Advancing on in unexpected ways
It\'s not an option to stop
When you need to level up
Reach up high and embrace the fight
Reach up high and embrace the fight
Woah woah woah woah woah oh oh
Meeting together out there
Woah woah woah woah woah oh oh
We can win the fight
